Kulturna baštinaPodkast

Svadba u Pirotu (1937)

Svadba u Pirotu, 1937.

U Pirotu su se 21. novembra 1937. venčali Najdan Mladenović iz Pirota i Desanka Čičanović iz Leskovca. Mladoženja je bio sin istaknutog trgovca, osnivača i graditelja fabrike Tigar i hidroelektrane Temac, Dimitrija Mladenovića – Mite Gage. Polazak mladenaca na venčanje, opšte veselje i narodno kolo posle venčanja, lomljenje pogače za sreću mladenaca, odlazak na ručak, mladenci u krugu porodice i rođaka.

Wedding in Pirot, 1937.

Najdan Mladenovic from Pirot and Desanka Cicanovic from Leskovac got married in Pirot on 21st November 1937. Groom was the son of a distinguished merchant, founder and constructor of the factory Tigar and hydroelectric power plant Temac, Dimitrije Mladenovic – Mita Gaga. Bride and groom leave for the wedding, general merriment and folk dancing after the wedding, breaking of bread for happiness of bride and groom, leaving for lunch, bride and groom with their families and cousins.
